A spot of fishing at the Diversion and the Bar

A week or so ago, a neighbour dropped off a couple of kahawai. He'd been fishing at the Wairau Diversion river-mouth and caught a few.

Yesterday I tried my luck in the same spot. There was one other chap fishing when I arrived. After fishing in the surf and moving towards the river, I passed him and asked how his luck was going. He'd caught nothing, but mentioned the last two or three weeks have been quite good. He said a seal that he'd spotted out in the surf might be keeping the fish away.

I had a fish again today, but went to the Wairau Bar this time. There was nobody there when I arrived - quite rare for such a popular spot. I find solitude is often a big part of my enjoyment when fishing - one of the reasons I haven't been to the Bar for a while.

As soon as I walked near the water I spotted a fish near the edge, and another soon after. I spotted many kahawai in the water while I was fishing, but they seemed quite hesitant to strike overall. I did manage to hook and land one nice-sized kahawai.